Create your account
Signing up to ARTSVP
How to create your personal account on ARTSVP Singing up to ARTSVP will only require you 3 quick steps. After filling your name, email and password, you'll just have to answer a few questions about your events before being directed to your dashboard! When signing up from our landing page, you will automatically be starting your trial to the Starter Plan, allowing you to takFew readersInvited to join ARTSVP as member
You may be invited by an event organiser to join their organisation's account on ARTSVP, whether for all their events or for a one-off occasion. Here below, for instance, a new member is added to an event page called "Moka Public Tickets" as "Event Manager": Want to know the difference between "Event Manager", "Booking Manager" and "Check-in Only"? Find out more about permiFew readers
Create your organisation
Mailing list settings
Allowing people to check a box to opt into your mailing list when they make a booking is a great way to grow your audience. On average 30% of bookings will opt into being added to your mailing list. How to ask people to join your mailing list when making bookings When you create a booking page you have the option to add a check box to the booking page where your visitors orSome readersSetting up your team: team members and page level access
ARTSVP makes it easy for you to share the workload of creating events, managing bookings and guest lists. Team members vs. Page access Adding members to your team helps you manage all events within your organisation. If you just want to give someone access to a specific events booking you can also do this. This can be useful if you have temporary staff or are working in collaborations with another business/venue and want to let them manage bookings. Permissions for team membersFew readersAdd a logo to your booking pages
To add a logo you first need to have a square image (.png or .jpeg). Please note that we crop the logo into a circle that appears at the top of your booking page and in the booking confirmation emails. To add this click "Settings" from your dashboard. You can then select an image to upload. Once you have uploaded the image remember to click save to see the image appear.Few readersSetting organisation defaults
Each organisation on ARTSVP has the ability to set defaults to speed up the process of event creation. Setting the defaults is super helpful and saves event managers time copying text from other events for copy that is generally used on most events. How defaults work When you create a new event on ARTSVP there is lots of custom text that can be added to the booking flow, andFew readersView and edit your locations
Whether you are based in different venues across a city, across a country or have multiple international teams, you can view and edit all of your locations from your ARTSVP dashboard. Each time an event is created and a location added, it will be on view and editable in your locations section. Just click on 'Locations' from the Settings menu. Above an example from the itineraryFew readersConfiguring a Stripe account
Before creating your events' pages, we recommend to set up a stripe account and register the card details of the bank account where you'll like to receive the revenues of your sold tickets. Click on "Payouts" on the settings menu and then on "Set up Stripe" to be directed to Stripe's website, where you'll be able to create your account in a few minutes. (https://storage.crisp.cFew readers