Articles on: Exhibitor Portals

Sending Invites

Viewing invites

Fairs configure the portals providing exhibitors an allocation of invites that can be generated and distributed. There may be multiple types of invites allocated to each exhibitor. Once an invite has been generated and distributed it will show on the invites tab.

Sending Invites

When you generate an invite you can send it directly to your guest.

You can edit the message that is sent with the message and the subject of the email.

sending an invite from a portal

If you want to send the invite though another means (eg Whatsapp or your own email) you can click on the invite and then choose the relevant option.

Sending multiple invite at once

You can upload a csv file of names and emails to generate lots of invites at once from your allocation. Once these are generated you can select either all or some of these using the check boxes and then click the actions button to send them all. You will be prompted to write an email and the {{ name }} field will automatically be replaced with the correct name for each invite.

Sending multiple invites from a portal

Sending Invite Reminders

Each Invite is restricted to 5 Email sends via ARTSVP. You can use the first allocation to send our your initial invite and the remaining 4 to send reminders. Send reminders the same way you would send your initial invite using the instructions above. You may wish to customise the email text each time for a more personalised approach.

What does the guest have to do

When a guest received the invite link they will be able to book to attend the fair. Depending on the configuration of the specific invite they may also be able to indicate if they are bringing a +1.

Updated on: 19/06/2024

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