Articles on: Art Fair Guides

5. Personalised invites for guests of Art Fairs

Back to step 4. Using collections to manage all bookings

At ARTSVP we have always looked for ways to make booking as simple and intuitive as possible. "**Invites"** is one of the newest features that has been built to provide an even quicker and more personalised booking experience.

The reason invites are so helpful for fairs

Art Fairs use invite links (rather than booking links) because they both improve the booking experience and provide the fair with more control over who can attend at certain times, bring guests etc.

Invite links can be locked to a specific guest with their name and email meaning that only they can book, and there is no need for the guests to enter their details manually.

This has a few advantages:

Locks the invite to a specific guest

Speeds up the booking time

Avoid having to deal with mistyped names and emails

Allows the copy on the booking flow to be personalised to the specific guest

Personalising the copy on a booking page with personalised invite links

Personalising the copy on the invite page with the guests name adds a degree of professionalism and exclusivity.

Personalised invites can be created either individually but normally a fair will upload a csv of contacts to generate thousands of personalised invite links which they then upload to their mailer to send out to guests using merge tags so each guest receives their own link.

With some fairs using the ARTSVP API guest can log into their dashboard on the fairs site and see the invites which will then take them through a personalised booking flow in just a few clicks and when they have finished their booking will show in their dashboard.

Next to Step 6. Handling exhibitor’s guests with multi-use invites

Updated on: 27/10/2022

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