Articles on: Art Fair Guides

1. Set up your Art Fair as organisation on ARTSVP

For Art Fairs using ARTSVP getting the organisation configured correctly at the start makes configuring all the different booking pages much faster later on.

Add your logo

ARTSVP will custom brand your page but it is important to upload a square logo to your organisation. This logo will be used in transactional emails (booking confirmation and reminder emails) that ARTSVP sends on your behalf.

Set up your defaults

Setting up some default text will speed up the process of creating the booking flows later on. Each booking flow can then be customised quickly. The information to include in the defaults generally will be useful to appear on all flows. This could include links to your visitor health and safety guidelines, contact info, directions to the fair and opening times.

Some of the defaults you should configure:

Visitor info - This is displayed on step one of all booking pages.

Confirmation page text - this is displayed on the booking confirmation page

Booking confirmation email text - Info about the event that is sent to the guest when they book.

Booking reminder text - generally the same as the booking confirmation text

Additional defaults

Sold out message

Bookings on hold message

Invite used message

Invite your team

Each ARTSVP organisation can have many team members with their own logins and different permission levels.

Updated on: 27/10/2022

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